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Call for Workshops

Be part of the 12th IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS2025), Switzerland’s premier event for applied Data Science!
We invite the Data Science community to propose thematic workshops or hands-on tutorials. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following key focus areas for SDS2025:

  • Large Language and Foundation Models
  • Human-AI Interaction
  • AI and Data Analytics for Science
  • AI and Society

Workshop topics should have a high relevance to important sub-fields of Data Science, present tangible outcomes, and include hands-on activities.
All workshops will take place on Thursday, June 26, 2025.
Important: Workshop organizers are responsible for arranging the venue and coffee breaks. In return, organizers will receive 50% of the revenue generated per participant attending their workshop.

How to Participate

  • Submit your workshop proposal via this form
  • Jan 09, 2025 (anywhere on Earth): Workshop Submission deadline
  • June 26, 2025: Conference takes place in Zurich, Switzerland